Toll Free +18559315633

Voicebuy GREYroute

Voicebuy also offers a Grey and a Standard route.

GREYroute         Standard       Premium      CallCenter

All calls charged per second.
French Polynesia fix and mobile . Gambia fix and mobile. Haiti fix and mobile. all International Networks Maldives fix and mobile Mexico fix and mobile.
New Caledonia fix and mobile: Billing 60/60.
USA fix and mobile: Billing 60/1.


On Grey Route

WE DO NOT SUPPORT TRAFFIC WITH LOW STATISTICS (CALL CENTER TRAFFIC, MISSED CALL TRAFFIC, JUNK TRAFFIC) AND TRAFFIC TO PREMIUM/SPECIAL NUMBERS. Also note that all destination numbers which are out of “prefix”+E.164 format will be translated into this format.

[rates_list_countries username='ratelist_grey_usd' password='ratelist_grey_usd' name='Voicebuy_grey' color='#E5E5E5' currency='USD']

On Grey Route

WE DO NOT SUPPORT TRAFFIC WITH LOW STATISTICS (CALL CENTER TRAFFIC, MISSED CALL TRAFFIC, JUNK TRAFFIC) AND TRAFFIC TO PREMIUM/SPECIAL NUMBERS. Also note that all destination numbers which are out of “prefix”+E.164 format will be translated into this format.